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AECVP_Seo JW_1장.pdf : Click to download and see the poster in PDF 1.97Mb.

This poster is presented at the AECVP(Association of European association of CardioVascular Pathology at Padova, Italy in 21-23 September 2023.


2023년9월2-23일 이탈리아 파도바에서 열린 유럽심장혈관병리학회에서 발표한 포스터입니다. 심장박물관을 소개하는 내용입니다.

아래 이미지로는 내용이 보이지 않지요.  AECVP_Seo JW_1장.pdf 을 클릭하여 1.97 Mb 크기의 파일을 다운로드 받아서 보실 수 있습니다. 

AECVP_Seo JW_1장70.jpg

heartmuseum.kr: A Korean collection of heart specimens and others


Seo JW, Kim JS, Koh JW, Lee CH



The heartmuseum.kr is a collection of heart specimens and others. The aim of the museum is to collect, preserve, display, present and research on the heart. The customers are professionals on cardiology as well as the general public. Customers are requested to understand, experience and think on the past, current and future of the heart.

Heart specimens at "heartmuseum.kr" are collected from three major sources: 1) the autopsy, 2) the transplantation and 3) the three-dimensional(3d) modeling based on clinical imaging data. Real heart specimens are preserved in formalin solution and some of them are paraffinized or plastinized for display. The 3d modeled hearts are preserved and displayed in 3d printed forms and virtual reality.

Other collections at "heartmuseum.kr" include hardware (machines and devices that are relevant to the medical practices and researches on cardiology) and software (media including memorial records, books and presentation materials).

Heart specimens and others are used for three major customers. The first group is professionals at the scientific sessions of the congresses and we run an annual international congress "Asia Pacific Cardiovascular Intervention and Surgery (APCIS)". The second is visitors at the heartmuseum.kr. The third group includes educational and training sessions at the inhouse or outreach programs.

Specimens with congenital heart disease were major parts of the heart collection in 1980's but current major parts are those with the adult cardiac diseases and normal hearts for training professionals on cardiac imaging and arrhythmia.

The museum was founded in April 10, 2019. Operating organizations of the museum are the Cardiac Pathology Study Group of the Korean Society of Cardiology and the Woochon Cardio-Neuro-Vascular Research Foundation.


Presentation may include an advertisement of the heart museum of a non-profit organization, the Woochon Cardio-Neuro-Vascular Research Foundation.


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